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A word of warning to those considering signing up with the InterPals Penpal Net service or corresponding with those already registered.

Please be advised that while we attempt to screen out registrants who provide personal information which suggests they may pose a danger to other clients, it is impossible for us to know when others using this service are misrepresenting themselves. Remember that the penpals who are listed on our site--just as anyone with whom you come in contact on the internet--may not be telling the truth about themselves. Keep in mind also that when registering with InterPals you will be providing information about yourself--including your email address--which can be viewed by *anyone* visiting the site, not only by registered users. If you would like to keep your email address private, be sure to specify this when signing up. Be careful about what sort of information you provide, and be careful about becoming "too personal" in any correspondence that results from your participation in this service.

This is a complimentary service offered to the public, and user participation is voluntary. InterPals will not be held responsble for accuracy, content or results of participation in this service. InterPals also reserves the right to remove entries and block visitors at its own discretion. Furthermore, InterPals is not under obligation to directly respond to user concerns regarding content. Use this service at your own risk. For more information about the InterPals Penpal Net, please visit the pages listed under the "info" menu.

Please read the Privacy Policy.

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