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Heinz, 60 y.o.
Montréal, Canada [Current City]


Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
inactive user
Hello from Vancouver Island!
inactive user
wow, I have not seen your letter. . תודה. הכל בסדר
inactive user
Scammers will often ask you to send money via a wire transfer service – you will usually be unable to recover money sent this way. You should also never share personal information, such as bank account or credit card details as you risk falling victim to fraud and identity theft.

How can I spot a scammer?

Any of the following behaviours should raise concerns that the person you are interacting with is a scammer:

1- they ask you to send them money or provide your personal or financial details

2- they ask you to transfer money via a wire transfer service

3- they quickly profess strong feelings or love for you

4- they are vague about their interests, or what they want in a partner

5- they do not answer your questions or their responses are formulaic, nonsensical or repetitive

6- they claim to be stationed in or travel frequently to Africa or elsewhere overseas

7- they claim to be of mixed African and US, Australian, European or Canadian descent and travel to meet relatives in Africa

8- their profile, or their communications with you display poor spelling or grammar

Never do it

1- You should carefully consider your relationship with anyone who asks you to move communications with them away from the website onto email, instant messaging, the phone, voice over IP or some other medium after only a few contacts.

2- Scammers will often ask you to do this so that you will be communicating only with them, are more likely to reveal personal information and will not receive safety warnings. You should never respond to a request for money, personal information or banking details, no matter the reason given
Reply - Conversation - Oct 5, 2015
am fine and you.. how has your day been?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 5, 2015
When I read you profile name my first inclination was to think of Heinz 57 sauce!. A very popular family in the states. How are you? I am Janice!
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