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Kirika, 36 y.o.
Nantes, France [Current City]

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Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 37.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 20, 2014
salut! tu aimes Dublin?
inactive user
Salut :) Comment vas tu?
C'est bien Dublin?
inactive user
I hope you're enjoying Dublin! :)
inactive user
when he runaway faraway, he runaway far away,but recently he seems like try to protect his place from other he is always our garden or under my dads car,or in front of our house door hahaha!! when he gets starving he dont try to runaway anymore.
indoor cat is better i think:)i hope you will have a time to add more photos of your cat:)i will add my BIG cat pictures sometime soon^^
inactive user
he love to go outside.i give other wild cats everyday so he always try to runaway, i want him to go outside sometimes for him but im afraid of never come back.but so gar he run away once a two or three months:s
i didnt know that you dont have doors in france:o do you have a door in bathroom?
inactive user
wow!!!! does he jumped on you!?thst soooooo cute!!! but at 7 sounds a little early for me thoug^^;
my kitty always tell me that he want by biting me.
when a little early of meals,he is waiting for that sitting near the kitchen:)and every night he go to our bed together like he gaze at my eye and tell me like"hey,yuka its time to go to bed" and he ;ead me to the bed room.its so cute^^
inactive user
but my kitty never read my motion cause when i was crying, he looked confused and bite me lol i really like when he lick my face:)does your kitty wake you up?
inactive user
i think they were treated well,cause there were toys,water,cat tower,and many more.but im kind a worry if they felt stress from us.
inactive user
we have a cat cafe in cafe there are many cat and we enjoy having lunch or dinner and play with them.
i have been to cat cafe twice and they were so cute but some of them loooked so tired from petting from people^^;
inactive user
how cute he is:3 how old is your kitty? do you have a cat cafe in your city?
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