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Frankie, 33 y.o.
Little Rock, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 458.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 21, 2012
Pretty excellent, got a degree in theater of all things and pursing career and other interests. You?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2012
Kind of, long time no see. We should chat sometime. I want to now what's up in your life...
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2011
Aww thank you! :D Can't wait ^^
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2011
:D It has been FOREVER!!! lol Why do you always disappear like that missy?! ))) Sure, I'm on Skype all the time lol Just show up and we'll talk ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2011
Frankie!! <3 <3 <3 lol
inactive user
oh yeah Die is my cousin favorite so i let her have the pick ^^ i will have to post up a picture of it lol
inactive user
it is AAZING!!! that on top of the meet and greet!
we were VIP so the Meet and greet was before he show then after that VIPs has first pick of merch and where they wanted to stand it was GA so my cousin and i choose the balcony on Kaoru and toshiya side ... and they did a Encore. At the end of the shows they throws their picks and drum sticks and usually they dont throw up to the balcony .. but Die looked up and it was his last pick and we got eye contact and to remind you we were the only Diru fans where we were stand so when i got eye contact with him i told him to throw it and he did it bounced off my shoulder and went to the floor an this guy found it naturally i was about to do everything to get what was MINE! but lucky he gave it up or i would of fought him haha lol
IT was super amazing i hope they have VIP next i will so do it all over again EVERY year lol
inactive user
haha you are not being predictable haha you are just being you ^^
yeah when i introduce to them they weren't visual kei. i like the way they look now ^^

but i am stoked this saturday i get to my my Dir en grey VIP to use i am toooo excited !!!
inactive user
well i love a lo of their songs but i would have to say my top songs by them would be Shokubeni, Zan, Dead tree, Glass KSin, Red Soil, Ryoujoku no ame, Inconvenient Ideal, Gaika, Chinmoku ga Nemuru, Obucure and The Final lol i could go on but i listen to those a a lot.
well they are on tour this fall in america maybe you could catch them by where you live.
Who is your favorite band member?
inactive user
haha Awesome!!
What is some of your top songs by them??
Oh yes they give AWESOME live shows they give a GREAT connection to the audience ^^
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