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May, 30 y.o.
Bang Bua Thong, Thailand [Current City]

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Bachelor's degree

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 68.
Reply - Conversation - May 11, 2014
Hi! how are you?!
Next month i'm going to study very hard, so i'm very busy :)
anyway... i like Siwon and Hangeng >_<
inactive user
I'm fine too :) here's just a good warm weather)
inactive user
Hi May^^ long time no talk. how are you?
inactive user
너도 새해 잘 보냈지? ㅜㅜ미안 답장이 늦었다! 잘지내고있어??
inactive user
Hello May^_^ Thank you so much. Happy New Year you too.
Let all your dreams come true in the new year;)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 21, 2013
I like kpop and dance cover to :-)
my favourite band is super junior >//< and yours?
I don't know thai music, but I'd like to listening it :-)
can you say me any thai band? :-D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 16, 2013
wow, it's very interesting! >u<
which kind of music du you like?

I'm studying korean and japanase at university and next month I've got a lot of exams ç_ç
Reply - Conversation - Dec 10, 2013
Don't worry ù.ù
Good Luck for your exams! :-D
What kind of university do you attend? :-)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2013
I'm fine. :-)
Are you studying for exam?
inactive user
That's all right))
Cool, I really like music and in particalar k-pop too (BAP,Jang Geun-seok, Park Sin-hye, random tracks from favorite doramas) . Also I love Linkin Park, 30 Seconds to Mars, Korn, Dir En Grey, D'espairsRay... Do you like rock? And I like books. Are you reading something now? Besides I draw, make scetches, watch series, anime and doramas, learn English and try to learn Japanese
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