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Milenko, 38 y.o.
Santiago, Chile [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Graduate degree
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Engineer/Data Scientist

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 72.
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2019
Algún día espero conocer tú País, quizás cuando llegue el dia puedas darme algún tip. Saludos!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 4, 2019
Nice bio update. Greetings from this end
inactive user
You sound like a lovely human being. Sending some good energy your way.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2019
Hello Milenko! It's nice to find people this interesting on this website. You really give the impression to be a very open person as you state and you seem to know why you do what you do and that's something I admire.

"Use reason and logic to build your map, and use empathy and kindness as your compass." that quote touched me, sometimes it's easy to be led by either emotions or pure logic and we don't realize how powerful such balance is.

Something that caught my attention was that you're a vegan, I am not vegan or similar, at all but I do believe we should stop destroying other species and our surrounding for pleasure. How did you started? was it hard? what advices would you give to those that would like to try it? I'll start looking for info but your experience would be great!

Other thing I wanted to add is how LUCKY you are to meet people from this site. The few friends I maneged to make here live so far away, but I hope I get to meet them someday.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2018
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2018
I would like to practice my portuguese.

inactive user
Oh, Nice to hear that well i agree cause i my self we need a freedom, respect frOm other's.
Your a cOol guy for thought that kind of stuff your a kind hearted. Thanks cause there some people like you.
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