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Tanya, 37 y.o.
Perm, Russia [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 713.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2016
I received your package! Thank you!!! I'm sorry I have not replied until now.
Right now I am in LA airport..about to fly to Ohio and then North Carolina for a funeral( bf's family friend) I'll keep my eyes open for something special for you! <3
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2015
Thank you for this marvelous package, Tanya! I'm devouring the candy as we speak *no self control * The plum ones were the first victim :D mmmmmm. This is so great.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2015
Hey! Oh, I'm relieved it arrived safely. Just yesterday I was thinking to myself 'damn..I sent Tanya that letter a while ago..when will she get it??'
I look forward to hearing from you!!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2015
Yay! It finally arrived! I hope the letter was up to par . I still haven't written my 'March letter' Oops. -.-'' I had a spring break not long ago..but I accomplished nothing! I'm in an extra doodle-y mood these hopefully I can use some of that to draw something for you! :D Hope all is well!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2015
I sent you a letter this week. I hope it arrives safely! When I got to final page I kinda got a little crazy and had to send it off with really answering all parts of your letter xD I hope you don't mind..I wanted to send a smaller letter later. First one was a February letter (since it took me all month to write xD) and maybe I'll send a smaller March letter ;-) I can't wait to know the recent events!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 12, 2015
Heyyyyy! It's funny you wrote me..I'm currently writing part of a letter to you :) Maybe it was the Englishman's fault if he's drunk.. slurring his words?haa Did you take any pictures in your hometown?:) Missing your words! I know I have many pages here..but I'm already anxious for more xD
Reply - Conversation - Jan 17, 2015
Tanya Tanya! Thanks for Christmas wishes! I hope you had some great holidays. I feel like I have so much to tell you *_* Please forgive my late letter.. I'll work on it soon! Right now the flat is a complete mess and I haven't gotten back 'into the groove.' Today there was this old man on a bike that I've seen before.. He comes to the dumpsters by our place to look for things. I approached him and wanted to see if he wanted my bottles and cans. He ended up being Ukrainian and didn't know any English.. It would have been a perfect time to practice some Russian..but all I could muster was "Молоко"*motioning drinking bottle and pointing to invisible bottle* xD Ohhhh brother. All studying going to waste !!haha. In the end, he happily took the bottles..and now I have this rush of motivation..I hope he comes back again so I can try and manage saying a sentence or two :-) heehee..Definitely not fluent like in your dream.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 19, 2014
Hey Tanya! That dream you had is awesome! Maybe one day it will be like that xD! Thanks for thinking of me and sending a present :-)!! It doesn't matter if it's late heehee.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 29, 2014
Hey Tanya, I received your wonderful letter! I didn't want it to end even after so many pages :) I'll try to write back soon
inactive user
Hello! Sometimes I really would like to be somewhere other than the desert; I miss seeing trees and plants that So much brown here! However, the desert does have its own unique beauty that I've grown to appreciate over the years. You've got some awesome pictures. The one with you climbing the tree cracks me up. :D
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