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Chinanang, 26 y.o.
Bangkok, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2016
thanks ?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2015
actually I'm Movie too :)
I also suggest you
Hello stranger
crazy little called love
my sassy girl
Kungfu hustle
laskar pelangi
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2015
sorry I write here :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2015
I think difficult to explain it
but okay I'll explain as can as me
tell about a little stupid and strange teenager guy with his friend who this guy love smart and diligent girl in his class
he always try to get her indeed his relation getting closer with the girl but the girl never give a certainly to the guy until they go to university they have to separate cause they go to a different universities but their relation still close until the guy do something so strange that the girl make upset and after that they decide to don't meet again a 2 year passed away and they make a relation but the girl was have a fiance but the said indeed we never have a love relation but you know a think that most I like when we make approaching each other
then she married you the funnies thing that difficult to explain and many a funny thing almost the movie cause it you have to watch it
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2015
Hey you have been seen " you are apple of my eye" movie ?
inactive user
you're welcome :)
inactive user
i think she means the sad truth, that is that on interpals many guys, especially old white ones, write young Thai girls only for sex...that's why she lets them know she's not like that.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 18, 2015
i am very sorry to hear that and say it's pretty true. I think every country have dark side but it doesn't mean we don't have any good things in our country. Sometimes the one who told you about that never been to the good places in Thailand :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 18, 2015

Porn girl? Do you expect people to send you sexual messages or is it because Thai people are famous for being prostitutes?

Anyways, welcome to Interpals.
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