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Park daeun, 32 y.o.
Anyang-si, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 60.
inactive user
Are u really studying polish? so cool ^^
I am Ana....:)
inactive user
hey!! nice to meet you!
i hope we can be friends ^__^
inactive user
Park da eun ?
Cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^0^
You have incredible and cute name !!!!!!!!
Does in Korea all have so cool name ? :D
And my name is Oleg :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2011
Hello!! I'm Alex)
inactive user
I'm not sure :D
I have to learn for a long time when finally I'll know Korean very well.
And we think that Asian are really smart :)
Could you explain me when i should add tip in Korean, i mean... for example: when 한국말 when 한국어
I will be grateful :)
inactive user
Czesc Banillaaaga,
Naimad read backwards is showing my real name : Damian. Not very creative, I know lol. What is your name?
Hmm, maybe:
Zycze wszystkiego co najlepsze na daljszej drodze zycia - I wish you everything best on your life's way
Zycze zeby wszystko bylo dobrze - I wish you everythng goes well.
I write in polish very rare but I hope I could help ;-)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2011
But Korean speak fast too! xD heh, good that you haven't heard me, cuz I speak even faster than usual - I guess I just have too much to say, heh xPP It's really unbelievable that there're people in Korea that learn polish! Can I ask you why you are interested so much about us? I also love Korea and I try to learn your language and I think that your country and language is wonderful but it's reasonable to me xDD Hah, i'm really courius what about you :P Kamsa hamnida for your comment~ !
inactive user
What's your name ?
I think banillaaga it's not your name ! :)
inactive user
What's your name ?
I think banillaaga it's not your name ! :)
inactive user
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 감사합니다 언니~~ *_____*
Yes, I like Korea veerry much..and the culture is so interesting and fantastic..I love it ^_^ hehe also the history is so interesting..hehe :3 and it's a veery beautiful language <3 히히히
thank youu~~ your pictures are also very cute~ your more cute than me :3 hehehe
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