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Song, 34 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 9 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 134.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 22, 2011
hey im sorry i havent been on in a while my nephew dropped a pepsi on my laptop and fried it so i had to save to get a new one
Reply - Conversation - Dec 2, 2010
Hi^^, thanks for tour answer.
Im fine, maybe a little cold these last few days hehe
Here too, wa have snow, landscapes are so beutifull.
Ah yes, im ok with you, snow is funny but not cold... T.T
Wow, NY?! You are lucky! What kind of job want you to get? I know that its little strange, but I, Id like to work on animation^^ even If nowadays, lot of animation movies are made in 3D.... LOL
Oh, two talkative people right? XD
Have a Nice (snowy) day^^
See you
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2010
i'm Déborah, from France; how are you?
hope fine, and hope that weather is nicer in Korea than here. hehe
are you studying drawing? ( i'm not very good at english so i'm not sure that i read very well XD ). i like drawing too, and i'd like to have a job with, but for the moment, i just keep it as a passion..... T.T
sorry, i'm very talkative (°.°)
have a nice day ;)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2010
I'm in Sweden right now xDD
And I don't know :/ that's really the problem here >.< I don't know what I want to do in life =__= some job I enjoy doing and make a living with :P
Ah yes >P you learn English if you watch some movies or something with English dub :P but grammar you just have to study :/ yeh see ya! you too :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2010
Haha xD I'm trying to find a job or something to study >.< and tomorrow I'll go to Sweden xD
inactive user
HEY ^^
i just saw you text :)
you can help me with english as well ^^ and maybe korean ? i know its a hard to learn but you never know right? xD
see youu^^
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2010
Ah just some fight with a friend :P oww why would some one do that? :O tore your drawing >.< That's sounds nice tho to spend time with your bf :)
ah really it's nothing :) I'm okay :P
Reply - Conversation - Nov 26, 2010
:) hmm... :/
My week has been okay I guess... except for yesterday >.< it sucked :P yours?
inactive user
Hi, i would like to write with you :)
i can help you with german :)
inactive user
Hey Song :)
that's a nice name! My name is Ryan pleased to meet you :D I know where Korea is yes lol ofcourse I do XD
Oh no don't worry your English is perfectly fine to understand! :)
Your knowledge of English is better than my knowledge of Korean haha
I am well thanks and yourself? How is yoru week going so far? :P
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