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Gsgisi19, 69 y.o.
Stuttgart, Germany [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 11 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 23, 2013
Hi Gisi

Thank you for viewing my profile.

I hope you are well. Feel free to pass by at any time!

inactive user
Hello! Hello! From Nova Scotia Canada. My name is Anne Gillis and I am 57 years old and a retired school teacher.Love to have a penpal from Germany to improve the little I have learned so far.I would like to help you in your understanding of English . If your interested in a penpal from Canada just e-mail me. from the Bluenose Province of canada, Anne
Reply - Conversation - Mar 25, 2010
Thank you for a message on the board. Have a nice weekend. It's almost two weeks since I got your message.  Time flies...

Reply - Conversation - Mar 13, 2010
Hi Gisi

How are you? Nice to hear from you. Its Saturday night here and I am just about to go to bed ...need to sleep off the days working activities.

What is the weathe like in Germany? Hopefully spring is coming on soon? It is Autumn here but we do not get the real cold snow storms like Europe is experiencing.

You have a lovely weekend too.

Reply - Conversation - Mar 6, 2010
Liebe Grüße aus dieser Stadt, wo es jeden Tag regnet! lol
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2010
Bonjour. Hi my name is Averil. Nice to hear from you in Germany. i am 51 years old married with two daughters and 2 step kids, 7 grandkids. I live in New Zealand, such a neat country. I like art,music of any kind within reason. gardening being outside especially as I am an outdoors person. Love nature and all the beautiful things that go with it. Well if you would like to e-mail me that would be good. Averil
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2010
Hallo Gisi,
Vielen Dank, fuer deine Gruesse Willst du mit mir auf Deutsch schreiben, ich moechte Deutsch lernen. Danke fuer deine Hilfe.

Tschuess aus Como
Reply - Conversation - Feb 20, 2010
Thank you, greetings to you too.
Do you like to penpalling with me or just wanted to say hello when you saw my picture?
I noticed on your profile you looked for penpals in Australia or New Zealand?
well have a nice weekend.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 20, 2010
Hi Gisi

Would love to be pen pal. I am stricitly only looking for freindship as I too am happily married with one son. I has a penpal years age a nd eventually lost contact with her. no one fault sjust timing I think.

I really enjoyed the whole esperience of communicating with some one from another culture.

If you are interested in exchangin ifo please do not hesitate to contact me

inactive user
Good Day gisi, I am from South Africa. Maybe you are mistaking me from someone else? I see you want to correspond with people from Australia.
Regards. Mariaan
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