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Kiki, 44 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 503.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2009
Don't you worry your pretty little head Keekee.
It is too bad.......
inactive user
well ur never gonna get a tan if you cant even lay outside xD
too bad for yoo~

.....-_- say, stop talking about milkshakes before i get a craving >P
inactive user
umm well its gonna be my family and two other families going and we already rented a condo for all of us to stay in (jealous? xD) for a week and we're just gonna be going to the beach and going out alot :)

i really wanna go shopping for it but my aunt and mom dont want to :P

if you wanna a tan then get one! XP im gonna be black when i come back xDDD
Reply - Conversation - Jul 1, 2009
Hey Keekee!
Where you been hiding?
Totally dig the new photos.
You know if you and I were walking down the street together...
People would be like, "hey those two have some sweet hair!",lol
So how have you been?
inactive user
....yeah no :P i would never give you free milkshakes!!! wanna know why?! cuz id be too busy drinking them! xD hehe
since when did you become gangsta? xD im more gangsta than you boooiiii!!!

Destin's in Florida smart person xP haha jk

yeah actually i HATE heat with a passion and yeah but ive been getting really tan! xD...maybe you should tan too cuz in ur new pic you look a lil...pale....xD nah its cool i like it!
do you like mine? :D
inactive user
ew no way man! D< that sounds so gross xP
maybe one day i will though lol wanna know how ive been?? you wanna know how I'VE been???!!! D<, ive been ok i guess.....just bored outta my mind! DX everyday i babysit my two younger sibs and they literally drive me insane.....oh! we have a big family vacation coming up to Destin!! :D we're going next month and yup cant wait!^^

so what about yourself? still working at macy's or whatever? lol
...gawd, that reminds me i need to start looking for a job xP
inactive user
chocolate rocks x3

well i just wanted to apologize for annoying you by texting EVERY single day when i did ): i have this guy friend who texts me every single day now and it annoys yeah sorry about that....
inactive user
hey! :D its been a (really) long time!
eww i saw those two weeks ago and was like "ew gross" xD i got the chocolate one :P

actually its really weird that you send me a comment cuz i wanted to apologize for something....
inactive user
hey i'm becca
your quotes were very inspiring : D
inactive user
i have to cause my grandparents dont know much english
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