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Katika, 27 y.o.
Surin, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 636.
inactive user
Hiiii , Im Javiera , Im doing fine , thanks!
inactive user
Me too)) I'm Oxana.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2013
waaa... how cute you are. I'am a funny chinese girl. glad to be your friend
Reply - Conversation - Dec 2, 2013
You are welcome!
Yes, i am. After school, we write exams. Mathematics and Russian language are mandatory exams. There are additional exams such as physics, chemistry, biology, literature, informatics, etc. . If you wanna be a pilot you have to choose physics. Also there are additional exams. You must pass the standards for physical education and professional selection. (different tests on the psychology, the reaction). And of course, you must pass a medical examination.
inactive user
Hi :)
inactive user
hi Im Javiera, nice to meet you too ^-^
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2013
Hello. Nice to meet you too. I'm a sophomore. There are no female in our course. I have also know that there are no female on the third, fourth and fifth years. This year one girl has entered in out in institute. But female has never finished our institute. There is a rumor that the heads against to our institute trained girls. But there is another institute in St. Petersburg. Enough women are trained there. Therefore, some women work pilots.
inactive user
Yes I know :) I'm Francisca. Nice to meet you :)
inactive user
Oh thanks for your comment in my wall :D you seems cool aswell :))
inactive user
Hey! Im Kevin nice to meet you too.
Yes im happy with my job. In the army :D
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