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Ramon, 34 y.o.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 29.
inactive user
yah of cource .. we will try our best & makes other plan to win the match .. I love soccer game .. we will take the cup .. inshallah
do u know there is Brazilians play in Saudi teams in there ?
inactive user
My team is lose the soccer game I play hard but I had stupid
defense & not hat well attack
the other team beet my team 2-0
that why am upset .. its the first match but tomorrow we will win the match..
inactive user
am upset a little bit ..
inactive user
Hey my friend Ramon How r u today ?
inactive user
Hi, Ramon
How r u today ? :)
inactive user
okay legal
como voce vai hoje? aonde mora no brasil?
inactive user
ola ramon!
sim tudo bem, e com voce?
voce prefere que falamos em portugues ou ingles?
inactive user
ok see u later my friend Ramon..
am going to wedding I will have lot of fun..
bye bye
inactive user
am trying to do it ..
inactive user
I dont know how to do it .. can u teach me..
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