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Shashank, 43 y.o.
Delhi, India [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 319.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2022
…Been a while since I last came here …… lots happened…. Got married … have kids.
Let’s see who I bump into.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2012
Hello old friend~ :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2011
My name is Suzzie and 25 years of age .I have gone through your profile , I think we share the same interest and I would like to take you as my pal so that we can share our interest together. Please reply to my letter. From Suzzie
hi I am back can we continue if you are there send me yes
inactive user
Hi Shashank,

I've just been busy working. Lots of changes here....who said life was boring?!

Thanks for the photo comments! As for the writing/blogs: watch this space!

I hope you're well.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2010
Hey :)
Thanks for comments. It`s autumn here, with gold leaves on trees, It`s not cold, It would be in a couple of weeks =) I like the weather now. Do your friends like their trips?
inactive user's it going? Long time, no hear! I hope you're well.
inactive user
Congratulations for the career exam! I truly hope you succeed on it. Preparing is kind of unpleasant, but in the end we feel so capable of everything. And happy!

My city is incredibly dry. The grass is brown/beige and people cannot spend more than 10, 15 minutes without drinking water. We don't have much water here, like lakes and rivers. The ocean is far, far away. When Brasilia was built, they made a lake - Lake Paranoá - so people could live here. Otherwise the city would TOO DRY and impossible to be inhabited. Anyway, it's still awfully dry.

I've just been accepted at University here. So things have gone crazy and I have a lot to deal with. But I'm very, very, very happy.

I have never read "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan. But now I'll try to read it; I'm fascinated by the cosmos.
inactive user
I agree with you! I'm really cray about History, but when I think about all you wrote, I feel that I must take Philosophy.
Your roommate seems to be a very interesting man! I'd like to be like him, haha.

Thank you so much!

But now tell me about you: what do you do for living, how is your lifestyle, your town & etc.
inactive user
Yes! Soaps are all like that. At least the soaps I've watched.
"Discover India"? I've never watched it, but i'll look for it. Discovery Channel documentaries usually are very good.
You're totally right! There's no better way to discover India than by asking and talking to people that live in India.

I want to study Philosophy. Actually, I have some doubts about it. I've been thinking about Anthropology or History. But I want to be a writer, so perhaps Philosophy would better.
inactive user
Oh, yes, I watched a little of Caminho das Índias. But it wasn't a very good soap opera. I mean, it showed a little bit of Indian culture, but I thought it was veeery caricatural, you see? I'd rather read books or watch documentaries/movies about India. :)
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