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Yutaro, 38 y.o.
Sapporo, Japan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 143.
inactive user
Yeah Tokyo, but I will visit friends in Saitama too I think!
inactive user
Hello there~ :) I did my graduation paper in Japanese Culture and History on "Histories of Homosexualities in Japan", and it was just plain awesomeness.
What is it like to be a Christian in Japan, though? Is there a big Christian community, andif so, how does it see gay people in general?
Here in Finland there is mariage/family/belief equality for everyone, which is why I love this country. :)
inactive user
Hi! Grey's Anatomy IS the coolest tv show ever! ^^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 22, 2015
Hello! ^^ I was just passing here and I've got a little question!

Do you live in Japan now? Is it difficult for gay people to find dates/partners? ^^ Just out of curiosity ^^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 5, 2015
greetings from brazil
inactive user
Thank you Yutaro :)
inactive user
I ruined my sleeping pattern because of the vacation...
If you don't mind, can you add me on LINE? It's not so convenient to chat here haha. If you don't mind, my ID is seongyu93
inactive user
Did you wake up? Haha
inactive user
Well, sleep well haha. You can send me a message when you wake up, if you like...
Or whenever! I'm always happy to receive messages haha
inactive user
Haha, did you forget about your plant? Poor plant... ;P
Well, if you're trying to get to sleep I don't want to disturb you!
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