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Coldones, 45 y.o.
Wetteren, Belgium [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 11 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 154.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2013
Hi, there! Nice to meet you, from Japan!^^
inactive user
Hey! So sorry i wasnt so active nowdays in this site. Like always Im busy. I lost my job and now Im looking for another one. Nothing special, days just go by. And hows you going?
inactive user
Thank you so much ^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 15, 2013
Happy Birthday Lynne. Your not alone.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 15, 2013
Van harte gefeliciteerd :D
Reply - Conversation - Sep 8, 2013
Oh, en in de liefde is het rustig:P Maar goed, dat is al bijna een jaar zo. Xx :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 8, 2013
Hey Lynne,

Met mij gaat verder ook alles goed. Ik heb nu nog 2 dagen vakantie en dan mag ik weer beginnen. Wat een gedoe zeg die scheiding, dat loopt toch al een aardige tijd.

Klinkt erg leuk die cocktailparty... maare, waar is mijn uitnodiging? Haha.

Voorderest gaat alles ok met m'n huisje, er is nog wel wat werk, maar dat moet goed te doen zijn binnen de komende 6 weken. Het is nu voornamelijk nog doorsparen voor het laminaat. Als dat er ligt is het gelijk een wereld van verschil. Heb jij trouwens nog skype of iets? Xx
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2013
Hey Lynne,

Bedankt voor je berichtje, met mij gaat alles goed:). En met jou? Sorry dat ik (nog) niet heb gereageerd op je mail, ben erg druk geweest, en op andere momenten is het er doorheen geglipt. Nu net terug van vakantie. Hoe is t met jou? xx
Reply - Conversation - Aug 26, 2013
Hey Lynne,

I'm doing good. Not much spending time with family as well as working (on my birthday) why not I work in the morning. I'm....starting to hate my job now. Well I'm looking for other jobs but now it seems there aren't much which will pay me the same. So I might awell survive.

As for my birthday just a small party with cake. That was it. Also bought myself a gift. Hahaha. Why not....well I'm glad tovhear from you. Busy all the time I'm guessing. How are things going for you? Anything new happen? Well let me know what your up to.

Keep in touch Carlos
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2013
Hi Lynne, it's been a very cool summer here with lots of rain. We did have one intense week of heat but the forecast is calling for below normal temps with a possible early frost at the end of August. If you get me started talking about the weather, I'll never shut up. HAHAHA.
I have been having an okay year I guess. I absolutely love the new band I am jamming in. I don't think I have ever gotten along with a group of musicians and Brothers better.
Work, on the other hand, has been a roller coaster of shit. I keep getting hurt lately -- last week, my back; this week, my left knee; even today, my right shoulder. But I have to work, we barely worked for 3 months with all the rain we got. I hope you are well.

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