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あきこ, 34 y.o.
Fukuoka, Japan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
inactive user
Thanks for your reply. :) Hmm, I just talk with some people but I could not make many friends. I guess it needs more time for now. Oh, you seem to have had some good times with people here. Congratulations~~~!! :D
inactive user
Good evening~~! :) Nice to meet you. I just stopped by your page as you seem new here like me. I registered here yesterday and I realized that it was easier said than done to build friendship here. hahahaha. How about you? Did you make good friends while you've been here? :)
inactive user
Konnichiwa! That's awesome!

Could you recommend some places for sightseeing? I heard a lot that tourist rarely choose to visit Fukuoka but I still believe that there is lot to see ^^
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Aug 5, 2015
Hi Akiko, I lam really interest with Japanese culture and stuff, would u like to be my friend ?
inactive user
Hi Akiko. My name is Clayton. Welcome to Interpals!
I am interested in learning about Japan and Japanese culture. And you seem like a nice person so I would be interested in learning about you too. Would you like to talk with me? I will be happy to tell you about myself, American culture and help you practice your English skills if you want.
inactive user
can i know ur line?
inactive user
Good morning
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2015
please help with japanese!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2015
Hello Akiko! I can help you with English. I'm currently studying Japanese so we could help each other. Message me if you are interested :)
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