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Juhee, 28 y.o.
Yogyakarta, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2014
sip2.. Good luck ya, semoga tercapai apa yang di cita-citakan :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 31, 2014
terlepas dari semua itu, tetep semangat ya. cari Penpal dan jangan lupa tunjukan segala hal yang positive tentang negara kita. Seperti kekayaan alam, kekayaan flora-fauna, budaya, dan keramah tamahan hehe..

I <3 Indonesia
Reply - Conversation - Oct 31, 2014
Hi Talitha. Salam Kenal. Saya Egar dari Bandung, Kuliah Hubungan internasional di UNPAD. Sangat menarik membaca status kamu hehe...
Kenapa orang asing enggan untuk berbicara dengan kita? Saya banyak baca di Media asing dan beberapa pengalaman teman yang kuliah di luar negeri. terutama negara negara barat. isinya ya begitu tentang yang jelek2 aja tentang negara kita. Polusi, busung lapar, bencana alam, banjir, macet, tsunami, teroris, TKW dan lain-lain.. Makanya mungkin mereka agak enggan karna hal seperti itu..

bahkan nih, imej orang Indonesia di Eropa itu miskin, karena katanya kuliah pakai beasiswa.. apa yang salah ya hehe
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2014
Being home alone isn't a good day?! As much as I love being outside... I have to admit, being home alone is absolutely fantastic. :D
Cheers to that. Haha.. sounds like new year's day all of a sudden.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2014
Thanks. Hope you have a good one too! Actually.. nah.. just one day? I hope you have a good whole year hahahaha.
inactive user
Oh, was it! :)) Thank you! XD
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2014
Oh, yes! I've been told from a lot of people, but do I really looked like him?? I consider it as a praise, thanks ; )
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